Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Monday Night Raw | A night of Returns | WELCOME BACK ROMAN! |

Roman Reigns returned to the WWE to a fantastic reception since October. Chants of Welcome Back were heard, This is your Yard. He thanked everyone for the messages of support via social media. He announced during the promo that he is now in remission which is amazing news! Seth walks out to congratulate the big dog. 

After the segment and throughout the show, I saw people on social media claiming to be "doctors" talking about Reigns' illness was a "work" I say to them to click on the link HERE, you might learn something. educate yourself before making pointless assumptions.

NXT stars Aleister Black and Ricochet defeated RAW tag champions Revival via the Black Mass kick. 

It looks like they are going to push Lacey Evans for a big match at Wrestlemania (vs. Asuka for the SmackDown women's championship) she did the usual walking out to the arena and walking back to the backstage.  

That's getting boring to watch, Ambrose challenged McIntyre to a no DQ match. Prior to hitting Elias with Dirty Deeds. 

The tag match between Riott Squad vs. Natalya and Ronda Rousey didn't have a decisive winner after "The Man" interrupted and hit Natalya and others prior to being arrested. This was reminiscent of Stone Cold Steve Austin in the WWF days. 

Ronda called out Vince but got Stephanie instead, stating she wants Becky in the match at 'Mania but that proposal was predictably turned down. Ronda issued a ultimatum to Vince and dropped the title and walked away. 

Phase one of Ronda leaving the company has begun here. 

I'm just going skip past the Mahal Angle match. No surprises to see who won. Finn Balor defeated Lio Rush to remain intercontinental champion. 

Drew McIntyre defeated Dean Ambrose thanks to an assist from Elias's guitar leading to the Claymore kick for the win. Lashley and Corbin walked out to help the other heels in the ring take out Ambrose until Rollins and Reigns walked out to fight the heels and standing tall after. 

It was interesting to see they left Ambrose in the ring. I sense a final Shield reunion is on the cards. Which would be awesome. 

Bayley defeated Nia Jax in the final match of the night to continue the build up to Fastlane. 

And finally we move on the to Ric Flairs celebration, we saw Hall of Famers: Shawn Michaels, Ricky Steamboat, Kurt Angle and Sting join the party, with the main roster stood on the entrance way. 

When Flair was introduced and he didn't walk out, I thought Becky attacked him, but it turned out to be Batista who then asked Triple H if he had his attention now. 

Batista v Triple H at Wrestlemania is a certainty, hopefully it has a great build up in the weeks leading up the match. 

So there you have it. An impromptu review of Raw. I never planned on writing up on this weeks episode but I'm happy I did because this was good to watch.
I'll be posting my predictions for Fastlane next week. Enjoy Smackdown and NXT also if you're watching. 

Thanks for reading.