Wednesday, March 20, 2019

SmackDown LIVE Review

What's going on WWE fans! This is an impromptu review of this week’s episode of the blue brand of this company. 

The Miz cut a very good promo here as he talked about recent events, key moments here were when he said Shane was the worst in the world and not the best. Also name dropping Vince and Kofi here, this was an excellent, fiery promo and a good start to the show. 

Sasha and Bayley were defeated by the iiconics here, I guess we will see a future title match between these two, or perhaps the Australian duo will be added to the multiple team match at Mania if or when it's announced. 

Backstage: Rey Mysterio said he will face Samoa Joe at 'Mania for the US title, after his pinfall win in the tag match last week. 

Kevin Owens hosted the KO show (obviously) his guests were: Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair. Owens was good here, trying to stir the pot, challenging the ladies to fight each other before they were separated by officials. 

Backstage: AJ hyped up the 'Mania match vs. Orton, said good luck to Kofi for his match later. 

From a face promo to a heel promo we go. Daniel Bryan said Kofi was a B+ player. What is this? Wrestlemania 30 again? 

Main event time! Gauntlet time too. 
Kofi overcame The Bar (no pun intended) hitting the trouble in paradise and SOS in separate matches against Sheamus and Cesaro respectively. 

Opponent three was Rowan: this one ended in a DQ win for Kofi, after he was hit with the steel chair and put through the table. 

Opponent four was Samoa Joe. This looked like easy pickings for the US Champion. However, Kofi fought back to win the match after escaping Joe's finishing move via the rollup. After the match, Joe was angry and put his opponent to sleep. 

The faces of the roster cheered him on backstage as they watched on the TV monitor. 

The final competitor in this match was Randy Orton, the closing moments of this was the Viper setting up for the RKO. Kofi escaped the move and rolled him up for the win! Big E and and Xavier Woods celebrated with him in the ring, 

Stop those celebrations! 

Vince walked out and congratulated the winner of the match, Vince was being too nice, I sensed something was up here, and I was right.This is what happens when you've watched WWE TV for many years, you know when things are about to happen in a good or bad way.

Vince said Kofi was headed to long as he won one last match here.  
His opponent? WWE Champion Daniel Bryan. The odds were stacked against Kofi, the crowd willed him on, Bryan stomped on him, setting him up for the running knee for the win. 

Kofi Kingston is NOT going to Wrestlemania. 

Or maybe he will, I don't know, you don't know. I guess they want us to keep guessing and watch what happens as far as the WWE championship picture is concerned in the coming weeks of SmackDown Live! 

Thanks for reading.