Thursday, July 11, 2019

WWE Extreme Rules 2019 | Predictions

Alright! are my predictions for the matches at Extreme Rules on Sunday. 

Cruiserweight Championship Drew Gulak (c) vs. Tony Nese
Winner: AND STILL Cruiserweight Champion. Drew Gulak.

Aleister Black vs. Cesaro
Match of the night for me. Looking forward to watching this. Winner: Aleister Black.

SmackDown Tag Team Championship Daniel Bryan & Rowan (c) vs. The New Day vs. Heavy Machinery This one will trail the above match for match of the night candidate. After thinking about it, I don't see new champions being crowned. I could be wrong but that's what predictions are for. Winners: AND STILL SmackDown Tag Team champions. Daniel Bryan & Rowan.

Raw Tag Team Championship 
The Revival (c) vs. The Usos
For me, The Usos are the best Tag Team in the company. Which is why they are my pick for this one. Winners: AND NEW Raw Tag Team Champions! The Usos.

SmackDown Women's Championship Bayley (c) vs. Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross (2-on-1 Handicap Match) My prediction is that Nikki Cross and Alexa are losing here. Along with a Sasha Banks return with a heel turn on Bayley after Bayley wins. There you go! 
Winner: AND STILL SmackDown Women's champion. Bayley. 

Braun Strowman vs. Bobby Lashley (Last Man Standing Match) 
Braun Strowman seems like the obvious winner, but to me Bobby Lashley needs the win more so he's my pick. Winner: Bobby Lashley.

United States Championship 
Ricochet (c) vs. AJ Styles
I like Ricochet. He's quality. Heel AJ is the best AJ. This is difficult to predict. Here goes...Winner: AND STILL United States Champion. Ricochet.

Roman Reigns & The Undertaker vs. Shane McMahon & Drew McIntyre (No Holds Barred Match) This match is going to potentially set up two matches for SummerSlam. Roman vs. Shane and McIntyre vs. Undertaker. I'm picking the heels here mainly because Drew needs the win. Winners: Shane McMahon & Drew McIntyre.

WWE Championship Match
Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Samoa Joe
It's good to see Joe challenge for the WWE title. Is he winning here? No. I would like to see him win it, but I don't see it happening. Winner: AND STILL WWE Champion. Kofi Kingston. 

Winners Take All Match 
Seth Rollins & Becky Lynch vs. Baron Corbin & Lacey Evans (Extreme Rules Match)
There will NOT be new champions crowned. That is all. Winners: AND STILL Universal Champion Seth Rollins and Raw Women's Champion Becky Lynch. 

I don't care about this event. Unless I've missed something, it feels like there's no hype going into it. Predictions are done. Thanks for reading.