Sunday, January 27, 2019

Royal Rumble 2019 | Predictions

Welcome to the debut of this here blog, what better event to start with. The Royal Rumble. Here are my predictions. 

Kick off show matches 
United States Championship match: Rusev vs. Shinsuke Nakamura 

To my recollection there has no been zero to no build whatsoever, almost as if they just wanted to put these two together just to be about on the card. 

Am I missing something here? I thought there were no automatic rematch clauses again. Ah well. I see Rusev winning here.

Cruiserweight Championship Fatal 4-way match: Buddy Murphy vs. Kalisto vs. Akira Tozawa vs. Hideo Itami 
Long story short I haven't seen 205 Live so I'm just going to predict the winner for this match up. Buddy Murphy.

Royal Rumble predictions (in no particular order) 

Raw Women's Championship match: Sasha Banks vs. Ronda Rousey. I love that there is unpredictability for this match up and that's what is exciting because anything can happen with Ronda losing the match from interference from Becky and Charlotte as payback for Ronda costing them the match at TLC. 

Do I think Sasha is going to win? No because of the tag titles debuting at the elimination chamber. 

I've got Ronda to win this but will be happy for "the boss" if she wins. I've got another scenario for Ronda later on here so keep reading.

Smackdown Women's Championship match: Becky Lynch vs. Asuka. Many (myself included) have touted Becky to lose vs Asuka and go on the rumble match and win, but I ask, why does "the man" have to lose? For me it'll damage her character so that's why I pick Becky winning the match and the smackdown women's championship.

Smackdown Tag-Team Championship match: The Bar vs. Shane and Miz. 
I got the Miz and Shane winning this match and then later down the line Miz to turn heel and set up a Wrestlemania match between the two. 

WWE Universal Championship match: Finn Balor vs. Brock Lesnar
Winner: Brock Lesnar
This following contest is very intriguing in a sense that anything can happen, from Lesnar just "squashing" Balor to Strowman interfering and costing the Beast the match and the championship. 

Prediction: Brock Lesnar remains champion. 

A Finn Balor win would be great but I don't see it happening.

WWE Championship match: Daniel Bryan vs. AJ Styles 
Expecting a great match here between these two. Im going to predict an AJ styles win here. 

Women's Royal Rumble
The two favourites to win this match are Becky and Charlotte, however I take Becky out of the equation. 

I predict that the Wrestlemania main event will be Becky v Ronda v Charlotte (with Charlotte winning a opportunity before mania) 

Prediction: Charlotte or Ronda to win the Women's Royal Rumble. 

Men's Royal Rumble
A similar scenario to the women's rumble match where there are two standout favourites in Drew McIntyre and Seth Rollins. 

I mentioned his name earlier, that being Braun Strowman. Could he win here? Sure! But I hope not. He had so much momentum as a face but when he turned heel just to be a opponent for Roman Reigns, the momentum fizzled out rapidly. 

I do not wanna see another Lesnar v Strowman match so there you go.

Prediction. Seth Rollins win the Royal Rumble. 

That's it for the Royal Rumble predictions. I'll probably get everything wrong. This is my favourite event on the WWE event calendar. 

Enjoy the event if you're watching.