Monday, February 18, 2019

Elimination Chamber | Review

It's now time to look back at, what turned out to be a very good Elimination Chamber event so let's begin!

Match 1: Women's Tag Team Championship (Elimination Chamber): Sasha Banks & Bayley vs. Nia Jax & Tamina vs. Riott Squad vs. The IIconics vs. Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville vs. Naomi & Carmella
It was a slow start to the match, Naomi and Carmella were the first ones eliminated by the IIconics, 
who were surprisingly impressive. 

The match picked up soon after, with the usual high spots and tag team tandem resulting in Sasha Banks and Bayley winning the WWE Women's tag team championships. Well deserved because they were poorly booked by the WWE creative team last year. 

Match 2: SmackDown Tag Team Championship: The Miz & Shane McMahon (c) vs. The Usos
Your usual tag match here, Shane did the usual coast to coast spots and elbow drops from the top rope, which are getting ridiculously boring to see nowadays to be honest with you. 

Jimmy Uso rolled up the Miz to pick up the win for him and his brother Jey and become the NEW SmackDown tag team champions. It looks like this is the start of the break up of Shane and Miz. 

Match 3: Intercontinental Championship: Bobby Lashley (c) & Lio Rush 
Now, before this match there was a backstage interview with Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush, they were asked if they were worried about losing the Intercontinental title because of other champions crowned during the night. 

I don't know about you, but to me that felt like it was a spoiler that Finn was winning the title here, and that proved to be the case.

Match 4: Raw Women's Championship: Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Ruby Riott
(Charlotte Flair at Ringside) 
This was a surprisingly quick match, Rousey was always going to win here. It was all about the Wrestlemania main event being built up a step further with "The Man" making another appearance despite being "suspended" she sold her "injury" really well by taking out Flair and Ronda here with crutches.

We are still a while away from Wrestlemania, WWE need to cool down the build for a few weeks to maintain the fans interest so the storyline doesn't get boring before April.

Match 5: Baron Corbin v Braun Strowman (No Disqualification) 
I missed the majority of this one because of the lack of interest I had in wanting to watch this matchup. I guess McIntyre, Corbin and Lashley are back on the same team again. 

Corbin won this one after Strowman was put through tables via a triple powerbomb. This kinda me reminded of The Shield.

I wanted this feud to be over, but it looks like it's going to continue (unfortunately) 

Match 6: WWE Championship (Elimination Chamber): Daniel Bryan (c) vs. AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton vs. Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Kofi Kingston
A fun main event from start to finish, It looks like we are set to see Aj Styles vs. Randy Orton later down the line after Styles was eliminated by the viper thanks to a top rope RKO. 

The crowd was fully behind Kofi here, the way the match was going, there was a sense that he was going to win the title for the first time, but it wasn't to be as Bryan won and remains your WWE champion. 

Another superb performance by Kofi here, it's a shame that he didn't win here, hopefully he'll get an other opportunity in the future because he deserves it. 

Elimination Chamber is now in the past as we are now on the FASTLANE to Wrestlemania!