Saturday, June 8, 2019

WWE Super Showdown 2019 | Thoughts

Here are my thoughts on Super Showdown. Let's begin. 

Kick off show match 
The Usos vs. The Revival 
Winners: The Usos.

Main Card 
Universal Championship: Seth Rollins (c) vs. Baron Corbin
We started the main card with Seth Rollins defending his Universal Championship against Baron Corbin.
Rollins was injured prior to this match. He rolled up Corbin for the win. Winner: and STILL Universal Champion: Seth Rollins. After the match, Corbin hit Rollins with the End of Days. 

Then, Brock's music hit for the cash in attempt. Rollins hit Lesnar with a low blow and hit the Beast with multiple chair shots and the Stomp. Note: the bell never rang so Brock still holds the briefcase. 

Intercontinental Championship: Finn Balor (c) vs. Andrade
These guys put on a very good match. Andrade nearly had the title won via the Hammerlock DDT. But the champ kicked out and went on to win the match. 
Winner: and STILL Intercontinental Champion: Finn Balor.

I want to see these two have more matches ending at Summerslam. 

Roman Reigns vs. Shane McMahon Drew McIntyre was in Shane's corner and it proved to be important, as he hit Reigns with the Claymore while the referee was blindsided. Shane picked up the win. Winner: Shane McMahon.

Lars Sullivan vs. Lucha House Party This was not a good match at all. It was dull and boring. Winner: Lars Sullivan.

Triple H vs. Randy Orton
Old rivalries were renewed here, with The Viper picking up the win via the RKO. Winner: Randy Orton.

Braun Strowman vs. Bobby Lashley "The monster among men" won with the running powerslam. Winner: Braun Strowman.

WWE Championship: Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler
Kofi won with Trouble in Paradise. Winner: and STILL WWE Champion: Kofi Kingston. 

50-man Battle Royal
Winner: Mansoor. 
The hometown hero as it were, won this match. This was a nice moment for him and the fans in attendance. 

The Undertaker vs. Goldberg
The entrances were the best thing about this match as I said in the predictions. Not surprising though. Goldberg had a little bit of blood on his head en route to the ring. 

The bleeding got worse during the match. This match had so many botches. It was victory for the Phenom. Winner: The Undertaker. After the match, Taker looked p*ssed off (am I allowed to swear on here? Oh well it's my own blog so it's all good)  It was sad to see two legends put on a terrible match. I guess the money was too good for them to turn down at their age. I'll tell you something, Taker and Goldberg are two of my favourites of all time, but I will be happy if neither one of them ever wrestled again. Again, this match was sad to see. 

This was a glorified house show and it felt like it at times. It is now in the history books and one to easily forget about as well to be honest with you. Thanks for reading.