Tuesday, April 9, 2019

RAW After Mania | Impromptu Review

The title of this review says it all really, this is an impromptu review (kind of) with a twist-ish because I'm not going to go through EVERY single detail of the show as I'm still tired from watching WrestleMania. Let's just go through the action of the show shall we.

Raw's after 'Mania crowds are generally good and this one started off that way. Starting with Seth Rollins talking about his win on Sunday vs. Brock and then he was interrupted by The New Day. Kofi challenged Seth to a winner take all match, which was accepted by The Architect. 

The Revival lost to Hawkins and Ryder, are we surprised? Really? I'm not. I think they are leaving the company for AEW soon. Can I say that? I just did. It's my blog, I can say whatever I want to, as long as it's clean and not offensive. 

Lars Sullivan made his debut and attacked Kurt Angle. Which was strange. Alexa defeated Bayley, interesting to note there was no Sasha. It looks like they are setting up The Man vs. The Lady. After Lacey Evans finally did something other than walk up and down the entrance every week. She attacked Becky. This match is happening at Money in the Bank. 

Skipping ahead here because I can, to Dean Ambrose's last match in WWE. vs. Bobby Lashley. That match never happened seeing as Lashley ended up putting Ambrose through the announce table. The final ever time we will ever see Dean on WWE tv. 

Sami Zayn returned and lost his match for the IC title vs. Finn Balor. Zayn cut a standard heel promo belittling the crowd. Elias was interrupted by The Undertaker. Great to see the Phenom make an appearance here.

It was main event time. Remember at the start of this I said the crowds are good? Well they were until the Bar made the ref stop the match between Seth and Kofi. They completely lost the crowd during the tag match, the crowd could not care less! I don't blame them at all. There were beachball chants, Bullsh*t chants and many more. RAW was decent to good. But the last ten minutes killed that vibe dead. I'm not even exaggerating. 

I'll be watching SmackDown tomorrow, as always. I'll probably writing an impromptu review for that also. Thanks for reading.