Wednesday, April 10, 2019

WWE SmackDown Live | Post 'Mania Review |

The show started off with the New Day celebrations for Kofi winning the WWE championship at Wrestlemania but that was interrupted by The Bar. This was just a follow up to what happened on Raw basically.

The Bar challenged the New Day to a six man tag for later on, their partner? Drew McIntyre. They should've started the superstar shakeup this week instead of next week. 

Staying with the six man tag theme, up next was Aleister Black, Ricochet and Mustafa Ali vs. Andrade, Rusev and Nakamura. Won by the face team. I didn't care much for this match as you can probably tell. After the match, Randy Orton hit Ali with the RKO from outta nowhere followed by Kevin Owens hitting Rusev with the Stunner. A random finish to this part of the show but I liked it. 

R-Truth and Carmella were interrupted by the United States champion: Samoa Joe, they got into a fight before Joe got Truth into the clutch, afterwards he got on the mic and issued a warning to the rest of the WWE roster. Before being interrupted by Braun Strowman. The monster among men stood tall at the end of this as the champ bailed. Seriously, why wait till next week for the shakeup? First McIntyre and now this?

The new women's tag team champions IIconics were out next to defend the titles against a local team called the Brooklyn Belles. This was a waste of time. 

During a backstage interview, Paige mentioned she would be bringing a tag team to next weeks show. 

Shane McMahon hyped up his win vs.Miz on Sunday. This was a nothing segment, let's move on. 

Teddy Long must have put this show together because we were set to watch another tag team match, this was for the SmackDown Tag Team championships. The Usos vs. The Hardys. 
We've got new Tag Team champions! The Hardys! now this was unexpected. Their celebrations were interrupted by Lars Sullivan.This is what is stupid about wrestling, why do people in the ring just freeze in "shock" when someone's music hits? 

I guess the Usos losing the titles mean they'll probably end up on Raw next week. I want to see them chase the tag titles against the Hardys. With the feud ending in a TLC match at SummerSlam or something like that. 

Becky Lynch walked to the ring to talk about recent events, Lacey Evans hit Becky with the "Women's Right" punch to continue the build up to Money in the Bank. 

In the main event, The New Day defeated The Bar and Drew McIntyre after Kofi pinned Sheamus. New Day celebrated with Kofi's family as SmackDown went off the air.

This was a flat show, the so called buzz after 'Mania is over, other than Braun and Drew appearing nothing of note happened. It's like I mentioned earlier here, They should've started the superstar shakeup this week. 

That's all I'm gonna say for this weeks SmackDown. Next weeks Raw and SmackDown superstar shakeup reviews could be my last for a few weeks, because what usually happens is after WrestleMania we get storylines and episodes that have that slow build, where you probably know what's going to happen in the end, but they take a long time to get the finale if that makes sense, I could do with a break also so there you go. Thanks for reading.