Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Season Premiere of Monday Night Raw | Thoughts

It was the season premiere of MONDAY NIGHT RAW. New theme, new set and PYRO was back! There was also a new commentary team alongside Jerry Lawlor.

It started off with Rey walking out to hype his match with Rollins for the bubblegum title later before he was interrupted by Brock and Paul Heyman. Who then proceeded to beat up Rey and went after his son, Dominic. The Beast took him out also to send a message to Kofi before their match on Friday Night SmackDown. 

The first of the match was Sasha v Alexa. The Boss picked up the win by randomly distracting Alexa. After this, Becky got on the mic to hype up her and Sasha's match at Hell in a Cell. The second match was a tag team match (playa) Heavy Machinery vs. Dolph Ziggler and Bobby Roode. Winners: Dolph and Roode. 

We had a Miz TV segment. Special Guests: Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan. I was hoping the Fiend would take out Hogan and Flair. That would've been AWESOME! (no pun intended) there was a confrontation of sorts between the two Hall of Famers. I got scared when the crowd chanted one more match. Ain't nobody got time for that! For a second there I thought Miz was about to announce that. He instead announced that there will be a Team Hogan vs Team Flair 5 vs 5 match at the Saudi Arabia show on October 31. As it stands, it looks like its Orton and Corbin in Team Flair and Rollins and Rusev in Team Hogan. 

Backstage. Rusev challenged Rollins for the title since Rey was unable to compete. 

It was tag team match time again playas. resulting in Viking Raiders defeating The OC. Moving swiftly on here. Ricochet defeated Cesaro in a quick fast paced match via the West Coast Pop. Following this was the Firefly Funhouse. It appears that Ramblin Rabbit is no more, they'll probably bring him back next week like Kenny from South Park. This episode of the Funhouse was nothing special, it was obvious Bray was teasing an appearance for later.

Back to the in-ring action. AJ defeated Cedric Alexander. It looks like Cedric's push is now over after taking another L.Before the main event. Lacey defeated Natalya. Hopefully this was the last match between these two and they get drafted to separate brands. 

A White limo entered the parking lot before Raw went to commercial.

Main Event. Seth Rollins put his title on the line vs. Rusev. Rusev was in control of this match before Bobby Lashley's music hit and Rusev just stood there. What is it about people in the ring just freezing whenever someone's music hits. It's been going on for many years and it's still stupid. Anyway. It looked like Lashley was sending for someone and that someone turned out to be Rusev's wife Lana. Lana and Lashley kissed and Rusev just stood there as a dumb babyface. If WWE went for shock value? They FAILED! This was so ridiculous. It also seems to me that they are trying to revive the failed Lana/Dolph storyline. The Fiend then took out Rollins to end the show.

If this was the season premiere of Raw. I can't wait for the season finale. What started off great then dramatically fizzled out. What a dumb ending to the main event. I need to stop watching Raw LIVE on a weekly basis. I'm looking forward to SmackDown on Friday Night (Saturday morning here in the UK) I hope we get a Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin in ring segment. OH HELL YEAH! Considering what happened earlier, the WWE title match between Brock and Kofi throws up some interesting scenarios. Will Rey cost Brock the title to get revenge for his son Dominic? Could Rey get drafted to SmackDown and challenge Brock for the title (if Brock wins) we will all find out in a few days time.

I haven't written in a while so it's good to be back. Thanks for reading.