Thursday, October 31, 2019

WWE Crown Jewel 2019 | Review

WWE Crown Jewel is now in the archives. Here are the match results along with my thoughts of the event. Enjoy.

Kick off Match
20-man battle royal for a United States championship title opportunity
Winner: Humberto Carrillo.

Main Card
WWE Championship Match: Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Cain Velasquez
This had a UFC feel to it. This match didn't last long. Winner: AND STILL WWE Champion. Brock Lesnar. After the match, Rey hit Brock with chair shots. More on this at the end of the review.

Tag Team Turmoil for the WWE World Cup: Winners: The OC. Hopefully this win for The OC will set them up for a RAW tag title match vs Viking Raiders.

Mansoor vs. Cesaro.
This was always going to be a win for for the local guy Mansoor. The way the crowd reacted was nice to see as well. Winner: Mansoor. 

Braun Strowman vs. Tyson Fury
Tyson was impressive, he put on a very good performance for his first WWE match. Like I said, there was no way he was losing here: Winner: Tyson Fury by Countout.

United States Championship Match: AJ Styles (c) vs. Humberto Carrillo
Decent match, no new champion crowned. Very predictable. I'll say no more. Winner: AND STILL United States Champion. AJ Styles.

Natalya vs. Lacey Evans
History was made as these two competitors competed in the first ever women's wrestling match in Saudi Arabia. Great to see. Winner: Natalya.

Team Hogan: Roman Reigns, Ricochet, Rusev, Ali & Shorty G vs. Team Flair: Randy Orton, King Corbin, Shinsuke Nakamura, Bobby Lashley & Drew McIntyre
I did not watch this match because I didn't care about it. Why should I? This isn't Survivor Series. That's in a few weeks time. Winners: Team Hogan.

Universal Championship: Seth Rollins (c) vs. "The Fiend' Bray Wyatt (Falls Count Anywhere) Match Cannot Be Stopped For Any Reason
Here at Crown Jewel, they did what they should've done at Hell in a Cell. And that is, to crown a new Universal Champion. Winner: AND NEW! Universal Champion! "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt.

Technically, the match is still going on because a pinfall isn't a reason to stop the match right? I'm just joking. or am I? Anyway...I hated that they had Seth hit stomp after stomp, similar to his matches with Brock and Bray. He's getting booed when talking and while he's having matches. Just turn this guy heel already. As long as he doesn't join another faction.

In my opinion, they've only put the title on "The Fiend" because it's October 31st.
!!!!Happy Halloween!!!! 
Merchandise sales for Bray/"The Fiend" will go through the roof after this title win. 100% guaranteed.

So now we have a SmackDown guy who is now a RAW title holder. I mentioned Rey earlier, he is on RAW. I see a scenario where they have Brock get traded from SmackDown to RAW bringing the WWE title to feud with Rey, with Bray having the Universal title on Friday nights, if that makes sense. They'll obviously have to change the colour of the Universal title from red to blue or something like that.

That's it for the review, this was a 6 out of 10 show. See you for the Survivor Series predictions. Thanks for reading.