Saturday, February 22, 2020

Let's Talk | WrestleMania 36 matches | Part 2

What's good? What is going on? As always, thanks for checking out the blog as per. It's time for part 2 of Let's Talk | WrestleMania 36 matches.

It seems fairly obvious with the direction they are taking AJ in for a 'Mania match is against a legendary opponent, he named drop a list of names on RAW. Out of the many he ran through. Its going to be the Phenomenal One vs. The Phenom. It'll make great marketing in regards to merchandise sales etc. Plus these two have never faced each other so that'a new.

In regards to who John Cena will face? there has been reports surfacing online that he has creative licence to do as he wants. As far as opponents go? I can think of three possible ones.

1.  Elias. He has had interactions at past 'Mania's, it would make sense if they finally had a match. 
2.  R-Truth.This would be cool considering Truth calls Cena his idol on tv:
3. Velveteen Dream. This has been talked about for a long time. You could call this one a "dream" match. Okay that wasn't pun-ny.

Part 2 is complete. Hope you enjoyed this one. By the way, there will not be a SuperShowDown predictions or Review. Normal service will be resumed for the Elimination Chamber. Thanks for reading!

Part 3 of Let's Talk | WrestleMania matches will be available soon.....