Sunday, March 1, 2020

Let's Talk | WrestleMania 36 matches | Part 3

It's time for part 3 of Let's Talk | WrestleMania 36 matches. There were developments regarding said event during SuperShowDown and SmackDown! Here we go! Let's begin.

The Miz and John Morrison defeated Kofi and Big E to become new SmackDown tag champions at SSD. On the same show, The Undertaker made a "surprise" appearance and won the Tuwaiq Trophy, defeating AJ Styles in quick fashion. It looks like they will be building to a Phenomenal One vs. The Phenom match for April after all. Plenty of merchandise will be sold for this match, that's for sure.

Goldberg defeated "The Fiend" to win the Universal Championship. It's crazy that they've dropped the ball with Bray Wyatt again. He went from kicking out from multiple stomps from Seth Rollins to losing quickly to the legendary Goldberg. No disrespect to Goldberg by the way or "The Fiend" as it's not their fault the match was booked like this.

On SmackDown they announced that Goldberg's next challenger at WrestleMania will be Roman Reigns and they began setting up a match between the returning John Cena and "The Fiend" Don’t forget that John Cena defeated Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania 30 so Bray will wanna get some redemption from that loss. It would be cool if they mentioned this in the build up to the match.

Just a quick thought here, I think WWE will want to bring Tyson Fury back in for a special appearance or a match at WrestleMania now that he won the WBC Championship against Deontay Wilder last weekend & to bring in non-wrestling fans to boost audience ratings and PPV buyrates. In regards to opponents, Triple H and Big Show are two of the names I have in mind because if they lost to Fury, It wouldn’t effect there reputation in the ring since they rarely wrestle nowadays. That’s my logic anyway.

Five weeks to go until 'Mania & we already know majority of the matches, the Elimination Chamber feels like a waste of an event to be honest as we know Shayna Baszler will probably be winning the chamber match to set finally set up the match vs. Becky. Speaking of Elimination Chamber, I'll be back for predictions for that event. Until then, thanks for reading.