Monday, October 26, 2020

WWE Hell in a Cell 2020 | Review-ish

Hi and welcome back to the blog. The twelfth Hell in Cell pay-per-view in event history took place at the Amway Centre in Orlando, Florida. also known as the ThunderDome. Let's begin the review-ish.

Kick Off Show Match
R-Truth defeated Drew Gulak to remain 24/7 Champion

Main Card
"I Quit" Hell in a Cell Match for the Universal Championship
Roman Reigns (c) vs. Jey Uso
I was surprised to see that this match went on first, It had the same vibe as their previous match, what I mean by this is, Roman was talking "trash" to his cousin and dominated the bout early on, Jey to his credit did not quit and fought back, towards the end of the match, Roman was relentless in his attack on Uso until officials ran out in an attempt to stop the champion which backfired, just when Roman was about to hit Jey with the steel steps, Jimmy ran out to save his brother, Jimmy pleaded Roman to stop, who then started to become emotional, Roman lowered the boom and applied the guillotine on Jimmy which forced Jey to say "I Quit"
Winner: and still Universal Champion. Roman Reigns.

After the match, as Reigns was walking up the ramp, we saw Afa and Sika, who congratulated "The Tribal Cheif" as the Uso's looked on..

Jeff Hardy vs. Elias
Jeff got some payback on Elias by hitting him with the guitar, this feud will most likely continue.
Winner: by disqualification. Elias.

Money in the Bank Match
Otis w/Tucker vs. The Miz w/John Morrison
During the contest, John Morrison tried to hit Otis with the briefcase, however, the referee caught him and sent him to the back. While the referee was distracted by the ring apron, Tucker hit Otis with the case, resulting in Miz picking the win. Winner: The Miz.

Backstage, both Miz and Tucker cut fantastic promos, Otis went after Tucker, Survivor Series is coming up on the events calendar. It's RAW vs. SmackDown so there's a possibility that the members of the tag team formerly known as Heavy Machinery could face each other then. We'll wait and see of course. Also, it's interesting to note that it's coming up to ten years since Miz cashed in the Money in the Bank to win his first WWE Championship on RAW. Randy Orton was champion at the time, could lightning strike twice?

SmackDown Women's Championship Match
Bayley (c) vs. Sasha Banks
Bayley carried a steel chair on route to the ring, however, her opponent kicked the chair away, just as the cell was lowered to the floor. in this match we saw, chairs, kendo sticks, ladders and tables. Sasha hit multiple Meteora's (I believe that is the correct spelling for the move) on Bayley including a great one when the champion was on the table. Bayley made a mistake towards the end of the match, as I predicted, and Sasha capitalised, she won the match after Bayley tapped out. the 380 day reign is over and it's "Boss Time" now. Winner: and NEW SmackDown Women's Champion. Sasha Banks. 

United States Championship Match
Bobby Lashley (c) vs. Slapjack
Thi match was made after Mustafa Ali challenged The Hurt Business on the Kick Off Show. The challenge was later accepted as you can see. Lashley made light work of Slapjack. Winner: and still United States Champion. Bobby Lashley.

WWE Championship Match
Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Randy Orton

Randy, who was disguised as a cameraman, attempted to attack Drew, but that was shortlived as the Scot turned things around quickly. Orton cut off the chain from the door, which led to the guys climbing the cell, Orton hit McIntyre with a lead pipe, they continued the fight whilst climbing down back down, you could tell that someone was about to fall through the announce table and it was Drew who suffered the fate, back in the cell, Drew avoided the RKO but missed Orton with a Claymore Kick, "The Viper" finally managed to hit the RKO for the win and Championship. Winner: and NEW WWE Champion. Randy Orton.

Hell in a Cell is now in the books, I usually don't rate events, however, I'll give this one a 6.5 out 10. If it were up to me? I would've booked the "I Quit" match to go on last or the SmackDown Women's Championship match instead, it is what it is. I'm interested to know what you thought about the event as a whole. Survivor Series is up coming up as I mentioned before. I will be back for the predictions, until then, thanks for reading.